Mathias Osterkamp

Specialist – focus development Microsoft technology stack

PowerApps TimeTracking for SevDesk

Creating a PowerApp with Custom Connector

I was looking for a smart and simple mobile time tracking solution connected to SevDesk. SevDesk has no mobile solution for time tracking module. Existing third party apps where not fully fit my requirements. I was satisfied with the default module and implemented a mobile app with Office 365 - PowerApps.

SevDesk Screen


This was done a while a go, but I decided now to publish the sources to help you build your own. Currently i use a different project specific time tracking solution, but the app did his job very well. I created a smart overview for you to see the app in action.

App in Action


You will find following features in the app

  • Customer related time overview
  • Add hours to your customer
  • Create, edit and delete project related time entries
  • Choose task/service from inventory
  • Small search and filters

Not implemented is:

  • Track time for specific times, only durations are possible
  • Track multiple durations per entry, only per project

Solution + Installation

The solution is a complete PowerApp Solution Package contains the canvas app and a custom connector. PowerApps is completely open and transparent. After installation you can view the complete “source code” by editing the app or the connector inside the solution.

Download the solution Solution

Go to your environment and open project solutions from left navigation. On first opening you are asked for creating a new database. (This is only with correct license possible) Go to “new Solution” and upload the app. This takes some time, a small message “SevDesk -Timetracking is currently imported…” is displayed during upload process. Now you will see the solution and afterwards you will the the app in your list.

List View

On your first run you will be asked by the PowerApps connector for your permission to connect.


Afterwards you have to enter your API-Key. The key is not visible to someone and is user related / specific.

Api key

You can find the key on your SevDesk user page. Don’t share this key everywhere else!

Api key

For using this app, you should have a valid product entry.

Api key

Have fun, you can use the app from your mobile phone!

I will publish some details about the general technical implementation on a separate article.


Please notice this is just a sample project with some requirements:

  • I could not give any support
  • I don’t give any warranty
  • You need a SevDesk time tracking license
  • You need a Office 365 PowerApps license
  • You need some basic knowledge about O365 PowerApps

Continue reading technical details on PowerApps TimeTracking for SevDesk Part 2.